Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kaelyn's Eye Surgery

So far, everything appears to be a success! Besides the redness that could last a couple weeks, we haven't seen her eyes crossing or wandering out at all, and she's even keeping her fingers out of them. The sugery actually isn't phasing her one bit, and she kind of seems oblivious to the fact that she even had it, except for she's getting presents and lots of extra attention. She was quite a little character yesterday. After they gave her the goofy juice, she put on quite a show singing to the staff, and all of the 8o year old patients that were lined up in the beds next to us. Gotta love her!

Monday, May 18, 2009

So... why are all my blogs about Kaelyn?

She squeezed her fingers through the child locks today and painted her toes.

Isn't that nice?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

So, finally, after 8 years, I have converted adam into a diet soda drinker. This does not go over well in my OCD-filled house...

Kaelyn: Daddy, quit drinking mama's drink.

Adam takes a big drink

Adam: I like mama's drink.

Kaelyn: You no like mama's drink. You like beer. Go drink some beer.