In case you haven't heard, Adam is in Baghdad for a year. Me, being the optimist that I am ;), have decided to make the best out of the situation by making it my mission to rid my house of all of Adam's hoarding. He has, in fact, acquired quite a few things in the 5 years that we've been in Texas. Today, I was going through Bryce's school work, deciding what I should and should not keep, when I came across this journal entry - a DEFINITE keeper!

In case you can't read it, is says:
January 5, 2010
My favrite thing I did during Chrismas Brake is selobrating New Year in Calofornya. We had over 34 people come over for New Year! We nerly exploded the back yard! And then the confety came out along with sily string. The adolts played flip cup all night.
Awesome with a capital A! And also extremely grateful that he did not mention the beer pong!
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