Friday, October 2, 2009

When They Come Home...

This morning Fox and Friends, did a story on a Marine who wrote a book about his struggles in Fallujah. As most of you know, Adam was in that battle, and almost five years later, it is still difficult for me to cope with... I can't even fathom what it must be like for him. So thank you, Derek Sholl, for writing this song. It feels as though you are speaking directly to my family. As the five year anniversary of the Battle of Fallujah approaches, please keep my husband, his fellow marines, and the families of the fallen in your prayers. November always proves to be difficult.


My name is Andrea said...

Thanks for sharing this little bro is expecting his deployment orders in the next few months. May we always keep these men, women and their families in our prayers. Tell Adam thanks...

~A~ said...

Hey Nichole - O and I were in Virginia and saw this on F&F. We were wondering if y'all saw this and apparently you did. I'm glad you posted it.

Such a true story....I don't think any of them come back the same....we can only be there for them!

Love you all!!!!

The Moose said...

Wow - that was a powerful song. Thanks for posting it! We can never know and fully appreciate all that soldiers go through both physically and mentally. Thanks, Adam for doing your part - there's not a single way we can repay you for that, but hopefully our complete appreciation will suffice.